Sunday, November 13, 2011

To be continued...

Jetzt mal auf Deutsch: Dies ist das Ende der ersten Staffel von Pronto Toronto. Ein kurzer Rückblick: Es war genretechnisch alles dabei: Drama (noch größeres Drama hinter den Kulissen), Komödie UND Zombies. Wo bekommt man das heute noch? Zu dem Preis? Es geht bestimmt irgendwann mal weiter. Updates und season previews auf diesem Kanal. Bis dahin! Cheers, Caren


PS: Get your things and go! And check out, it's awesome!

Monday, November 7, 2011

It's fun to be un-dead

As promised: some more pictures of my favourite undeads at the Toronto Zombie Walk.
For your own good: Don't look at this post after 10 pm.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The great big Pixtra

Please note! There are so many more pictures left, if you don't have sour eyes already, I think they are nice to look at. Here is the New York parade on pix avenue (haha). The Toronto Edition and Zombie Walk Leftovers to come soon!

Tons of extras! Get an eyeful!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Big Apple-Bye!

Fruity farewell after the security check at the airport

Monday, October 31, 2011

Give it a shot

This could mean three things a) I have become a drug addict b) What a creepy Hallooween gadget! or c) There is a long-distance flight to attend...

AWESOME Bro-Code #210

That was fun: There is this building on Penn St, I couldn't really figure out if it was an office building or condo or whatsoever, but there was this huge screen promoting "how I met your mother" in the basement (when it is airing etc.) and besides you could do this interactive thing called "what's your Bro-Code". You have to know the show to get it. It's like this book of rules made by Barney what bros do and what they don't do.

Bros totally do the jump

Trick or treat?

Not that I am bitterly disappointed, but: New York got stood up by a snowstorm, it was false alarm. Or the storm just changed its mind, erm, directions. It's a beautiful day. No snow, no rain. I will go get some Halloween candy...

Absolutely nothing in moderation*

This has been such a crazy day. First of all: surviving the ice chunck or brick or whatever (after falling from some Central Park condos roof it smashed like one inch away from me on the sidewalk and couldn't be identified afterwards). Then I've been to the cinema at 10.30 am, which might sound unusual, but not to the New Yorkers, because it was well-attended (AMC theatres at Lincoln Square). And "Rum Diary", thumbs up!!! Well, I guess, if you are not into that Gonzo-thing then you might critizise the lack of story, but if you are: Have a seat, movie-time!


The play was awesome. I haven't been to the theater in a while, so just mind-boggeling (ha, new word from my "vocabulary today" test :) really it's an amazing crew. By the way: This is just the subway station (pic) I got off to see it, I didn't take any photos during the play. I would recommend it to everyone visiting New York, but like I already said, it was the last performance. Because of the rain (snow changed to rain in the evening) I could not walk through Soho like I planned, but it was really nice. I bet it's even nicer when you don't have to jump over puddles and torrents of water on the street.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


I am going to see the play that Sarah produced tonight. You can get information about it here or wait for me to tell you about it. Today is the last show, so I am kind of lucky. I already have directions how to get there and will stop to manage a purchase order on my way. And I can borrow a coat from Sarah, which is a total lifesaver as it is really very cold and still snowing.

BAGELS (Don't plan on PLAIN here!)

Absolut Bagel, absolut fantastic. It' still snowing, absolutely. That poor dog...


Sarah just told me about, a website which tells you how to get anywhere on the subway-system like the fastest way. No more getting lost (hopefully) !

Burning calories and C02-Savings are displayed as well, you seeing that BVG???

Advent zero

Ho ho ho, everyone ;)

Cure-all (immediate effect)

I couldn't agree more, it really looks disgusting. But after nine hours of walking and getting lost on my way home like three times (wrong subway station, argh, I mixed them up): THAT is what is making you not cry, but feel better: peanut butter and jelly-sandwich à la maison. And I've taken anti-allergy medication to prevent anything else...

Oops, I did it again

Eating out in Chinatown! Only this time, no pain, but weightgain. Got this tip from one of the travelguides owned by my host. For those of you who will stay in New York (and already left a little money in, let's say Toronto), stay positive, you will be fed!

I speak squirrel

Bench-mark squirrel-trap

NUTS! Go to Washington square park, if you take some peanuts with you, even better. Of course they can cause an allergic reaction, we all know that*! *Not exactly known in squirrels
Jump to conclusions!

Park and run

New York made it up to me for being all rainy and bitchy yesterday. I woke up at 7.30 to rays of sunshine. Open the curtains, get dressed, we're going to Central Park! I never made it to Central Park, this time I made it through Central Park (yup, all of it)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Golden Age


This is the lovely place I am staying in. My host Sarah is a producer at the theater and her appartment is so great, I would trade it for my own without hesitating. If you happen to see this decoration at my house, you know where I stole the idea. (Those were once stage props and are made of acrylic glass with gold paper. It gives the room an actual cathedral-like look, me likey, me copy!). This trip turns out to be kind of a make-over for my flat. I am so very tired and have to be fit for some crazy kilometres tomorrow!

Harlem Globetrotters / Are you ready for Bro-vember?

Shown in the Museum of Modern Amusement: Hilarious Anecdotes, Highly Affordable (MoMA-HAHA)
I made it! It really was raining cats and dogs (like really big ones, no puppies) and I was an hour early, so I had to find a place to kill time. Of course I went in the wrong direction (I really need to work on that skill, without google maps on my cellphone I am so lost). And of course where I was heading, there were no coffee shops, but a hell lot of delis (Which we would call a "Späti" in Germany. Like a kiosk, only smaller and even more stuffed). I waited in front of them, as a guy came up to me, he was all like "come in here, *shopowner* get this young lady this and that." As I would find out later, I have been running into one of the neighbourhoods best known herb-expert (let's leave it at that). We talked a little and as I wasn't feeling extremely safe, I thought it to be good staying in the shop and chat.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

O Canada

Getting a little teary eyed sitting at Toronto Pearson, farewell Canada! Flight to New York LaGuardia as scheduled. Well, I haven't expected anything less from Air Canada. My favourite quote about Toronto by the way: "Toronto is a kind of New York, operated by the Swiss" (Peter Ustinov). And now I am heading off to New York operated by the New Yorkers. Any recommendations? I have been there 2008, so I've seen the classics. Argh, and I tend to be the rain fairy, because every city I visit, its starts to rain the very day. My host Sarah just emailed me, where to go and hang out, in case I will be around early, because it's raining cats and dogs. Didn't see that coming on

Mumford and Sons "The Cave" live in Toronto

So make your siren's call
And sing all you want
I will not hear what you have to say
Cause I need freedom now
And I need to know how
To live my life as it's meant to be

And I will hold on hope
And I won't let you choke
On the noose around your neck
And I'll find strength in pain
And I will change my ways
I'll know my name as it's called again

School girls skirts*

Really, that's a respectable length for a school-uniform skirt? But I like the stockings and especially the Birkenstock (two girls on the left side) to mess up the look. A little research: They are going to an independent girls school (Branksome Hall). That's probably why nobody cares about the actual over-the-knee-attitude. And if we thereto trust wikipedia information, they are all brainy overachievers by status. "Generally, all graduates proceed to university, many with scholarships"

*Say that ten times fast

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Knowing him? Knowing who?

I ran into a film shooting yesterday. This is not unusual, because there are many TV-production companies based in Toronto and you can see cameras, actors (and sometimes hords of costumized people) on a regular basis in the neighbourhood. As there was quite a crowd gathering, I was curious to know, what was going on. They were filming a scene for the TV drama series "The Firm" in front of one of the many office buildings/ condos at Bloor St east. "The Firm" is a sequel to the John Grisham novel and the film version of 1993. It will be aired in 2012.


Action.... (and actors!)

Legendaryness* (captured on camera)

It was legen-wait-for-it-dary! Mumford and Sons are known to be an amazing live band. But this was beyond amazing! Oh my goodness, I want to show you the video, but it will take the whole night for only one youtube-upload. Freaking HD!!!

*The term-inator says: Yes, it's a word!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sigh no more

I got a ticket at, picked it up this morning at the Tim Hortons at Bloor/Sherbourne. It felt kind of like a spy swap, but Carol turned out to be a really nice woman at my Moms age, she bought the ticket for her daughter or something. I paid the exact amount she actually once paid for it, which is beyond fair. She said, she didn't want the ticket sitting around at home. Now it will hopefully have a great time with ME ;)


Okay, this is a little stupid, but it's just so canadian and I think it's sweet.
If the traffic lights for pedestrians turn green, there is usually a sound for the visually impaired. In Toronto it sounds like a little chirping bird. I recorded it, it's just a very short audio-sample, because I failed to do a better one on youtube. (The picture is Honest Ed's shopping mall at Bloor St West/ Bathurst St., another thrilling story to come soon)


What Torontonians really like (recently): riding a bike and going green. First thing is mastered with the BIXI stations, Toronto's public bike system. Second is met by several stores that trade only local/regional products and the waste separation of the city, which can be described as a "garbage role model" to the world. Really, it's been taken seriously. Toronto is the greenest city I know when it comes to evironmental issues. It's so green, they wouldn't allow mushroom clouds on a label of a beer bottle (True story, more about that another time)
Watch out, there is a puddle, would you please jump...

Monday, October 24, 2011

Grab The Grid!

All you need to know about what is going on in Toronto: "The Grid", a weekly newspaper full of reviews, columns, events and the latest chitchat in the city. It's free! You can get it all over town, mostly at boxes nearby subway or streetcar stations.

And look what I found this morning!
My new favourite band is in concert in Toronto at the Air Cananda Center. I finally get to go (because hockey matches are sold out in advance and prices for remaining seats are absurd). Hooray!

ZINES and Editor-in-Pants

Woke up to sunshine and a blue sky (actually a "first" in Toronto). I thought the day couldn't get any better, until I arrived at the "Canzine". And yes, that is the CN Tower in the background, which I refuse to visit, because a) it is ugly and b) it is 553 metres high (you can go up to 346 metres). And I am not into heights. I wouldn't visit the Eiffel Tower if I was in Paris. Back to the Canzine, ... if you would follow me, please

The typewriter orchestra

Type your heart out! I have been visiting the "Canzine" today, an event hosted by "broken pencil", a magazine of zine culture and independent arts. If you don't happen to know what zines (← click) are, wikipedia can explain it so much better (because I am new to the zine scene myself). Especially I want to note the typewriter orchestra. A new type of music (haha). Could this be any more fun? See me typing like there is no tomorrow after the jump. You might as well...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Zombie me

One of the (many) photographers (freelance/press) took this picture with my camera. That's probably why it turned out so well. Want to see the zombie me?

A lot of heart (and brains too)

There was a couple, who got married before the Toronto Zombie Walk at the meeting point/ zombie fair in Trinity Bellwoods Park. An odd way to say "I do", but it actually made sense, because the couple met at a horror convention and fell in love while working together on the project "Toronto Zombie Walk". And while all dead things must come to an end, why not a happy one: About 7000 zombie-friends witnessed their matrimonial bliss. Want to see the newly deads and costumes, costumes, costumes? (Warning: not for the faint-hearted)


This morning in full costume and make-up, but without the certain amount of blood, that was generously donated and applied by the Zombie-Walk-Team. This was the funniest event ever, I took zillions of photos. I got a lot of compliments, especially for my forehead scar and the teeth (which are Avatar-teeth as the assistant at the Halloween-shop told me. I have never seen the movie, I just thought, those are really, really scary teeth) Well, I made two kids cry in the streetcar, which was actually a little awkward, because I had to get there somehow and most people in Toronto know about the Zombie Walk, it is kind of an institution, but the little ones, they were unfortunately uninformed. Smiling at them made it even worse. To my surprise there were a lot of kids at the Zombie Walk itself. I will sort and upload the pictures, which might take a minute or two and then I will give you the creeps. Beware!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Gory, gory, hallelujah

She is back, she is hungry and she is not staying 6 feet under any longer!
I am gonna be such a smokin' hot zombie, you will say "to die for" :)


Finally made it through Chinatown (not eating did the trick). Well, it's mostly shops, vegetables, fruits, ginseng, meat, stuff I don't recognize at all, clothes, restaurants and did I mention the Hello-Kitty-overkill? It wasn't really my thing.

Did you just see a ghost?


A little sneak peek of my costume, which I will wear tomorrow, as Toronto takes a bow to the undead with the famous "Toronto Zombie Walk". With the zombie registration number #5429 I will gladly participate in that pre-halloween spectacle. For those of you, who are not afraid, you can see the scary crowd at And of course I will take some pictures of the spook. But be warned, because this is for sure: There will be blood and I will haunt the shit out of you... *evil laugh*

Friday, October 21, 2011

Horton hears a "who?"

"Tim Hortons" is everywhere. You can't go anywhere in Toronto without facing the bright red sign of the coffee-shop. I asked myself frequently, who is this guy? As I found out, he played hockey for the Maple Leafs, then opened the eponymous chain in 1964. He is dead already, but he must have died a rich man. Today you can get bagels, donuts, sandwiches, soups and stuff like that too. The shops are (mostly) open 24/7. There is one in walking distance, where I got a french vanilla capuccino in "large" this morning (and they mean LARGE) for 1,90, which is 1,40 Euro. Try getting a coffee at starbucks for that price. And they know their business, they got famous for selling the cut out middle pieces of donuts as "Tim Bits". What actually happens to the hole-pieces from Bagels? Can one turn that into capital as well? I am still thinking about it... ("Hole-Bread", "Hole in one", "Bread Bit"... I already have a name for it, that's a start!)

She must be sick or something... Pictures

Squirrel is late for the bus...

Because I feel sick and tired and bored of watching just another episode of Greys,
the following entry contains a lot of left-overs. Pictures are totally random, there is no connection and there is no story. So no booing!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Haunted House DIY

Braiiiiiins! Today I woke up as a real zombie, I felt the cold coming over the last two days, today it hit with full force. I have a drugstore just 50 metres away, when I can get myself to leave the bed, I will see what they offer for anti-zombie-medication. Some more pumpkin impressions for you while I try to get better. Braiiiins! Sorry, did I say that?

While we still have health care

I laughed so hard, I cried: Ad at "Dangerous Dan's Diner" on Queen St East (Riverdale)

I art Toronto ♥


Today I was visiting the exhibition "Chagall and the Russian Avant-Garde" in the Art Gallery of Ontario. And because I have a press card, I got in there for free. 25 Dollars, SAVED! I could have done a happy dance on the spot, but decided against it. I never thought I would get away with it, because it didn't work in London a couple of years ago (the press card not the happy dance)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cheers, Canada!

It can't get any more canadian from this part :) I will drink to that, but it took a while to figure things out. Buying alcohol is not very easy in Toronto. Canadian/Ontario law seems to be even stricter than the US. You can't buy any alcohol in grocery stores or convenience stores. You get beer at "the beer store", which looks pretty much like a pharmacy, but well, you see the difference. Also, it has no beer boxes or bottles in it. There is a desk (where you will line up to be served) and a lot of signs telling you the prices of premium, imported or whatever-is-on-sale-brand beer. When its your turn, you will go to the shop assistant (you can drop empties as well) and tell exactly what you want. You can choose from a single bottle to what seemed like several boxes. During this whole process you actually feel like a somewhat methadone-patient. I guess, thats the purpose. It's alright for me, because teenager should not get wasted all the time and really nobody should. You can only buy wine and booze at a LCBO store (Liquor Control Board of Ontario). I have seen exactly one LCBO store during my entire journey, but I wasn't really looking for one, so they might be more common. Ok, enough with all the laws and awes. Because I am in Canada I ordered "Canadian"!I am not really an expert on beer, but thats not too good. It should be labeled "sparkling", there is too much gas in it. Well, I will stay sober and silly just like that.
Cheers, however!

Moving on

Sorry for posting so late, but I had to move today :) Ricky was already gone, so no teary farewell, but I am a still a little sad, because I had the (at least from my point of view) most amazing gift for him. A Volkswagen for all his pens and markers. 100 % made in Germany, I bought it at "Werkhaus" which is located in the Modulor-building in Berlin Kreuzberg. They do have a lot of great stuff there, all made out of recycled papers. Just a hint if you are already looking for christmas gifts. Ricky and I communicated a lot over his computer, because I was mostly gone over the day and he had to work. He left the funniest messages, a picture behind the cut.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Living la vida local

If you live like a local, you have to do your laundry like a local as well. There are a lot of laundromats in this area, because having a washer/dryer at home is not the standard equipment. When you live in a condo, there is usually an own laundromat for the people living in the apartments/building. In Rickys little house there is simply no space for it. But luckily there is "Papas Laundry" just around the corner at Queens. A little pricey (3$ to wash, 25 cents for 4 minutes using the dryer), but close. And you get the single-dose pack of tide at every convenience store of your choice.

I just want to come clean with everybody, interested?

I am in glove!

Photo on 2011-10-17 at 08.56 #2
Canadians do love shopping. I try not to become too canadian at that part, but I couldn't resist buying a pair of these gloves, which I wanted since the Winter Olympics 2010, but they were sold out all over the country. My host (Ricky, you should know him by now), told me that everyone went totally crazy about them and Canadians really got into the spirit of the Olympic Games. So Canada got a "Wintermärchen" :) Did anyone not see the hockey-finale USA vs. Canada? Just the memory gives me goosebumps. Go watch it on youtube!

Beach, baby!

The beach, also known as "the beaches", is a lovely neighbourhood, a seaside resort which has retained the charm of the days, when it has been a summer hideaway (at about 1900) for the Toronto population. It has a three kilometer boardwalk at the waterfront of Lake Ontario, which I was happy to walk all the way. Doing a hell lot of walking recently, but that's the only chance to avoid becoming obese in no time. (Oh, do I love pumpkin muffins!)

Walk with me, click

Monday, October 17, 2011


I can't believe it, is this actually THE sun? Hooray. Because somebody will go to THE beach today (thats a suburb, no swimming, I promise. Lake Ontario here I come)

The apple fairy

If this whole journalism thing is not working out for me, I will open the first caramel apple store in Berlin.

More deadly sins behind the cut...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Riverside rocks!

Shortbread! Welcome to Mary McLeods: once you step in, you are hooked! It smells fantastic, the cookies are delicious and did I mention the neat decoration? My english is not good enough to describe it. This little shop is a cookie wonderland (639 Queen St. East)
Riverside is the area where I am staying right now, I will show you some of my favourite places (yet, there are more to come for sure)

I got the Blues


Yesterday I went to see a football game. Because the pro-season is already over I went to see the Varsity Blues, Torontos university team. That was really awesome, regarding I have absolutely no clue about football. The Blues mascot, of course, a squirrel! Or something like that. What I thought even more amusing: the commentator did actually commercials like "Don't forget students can save 10 percent on this and that or "pizza pizza, Toronto varsity blues only real pizza". Hilarious. And something publishers in Germany might consider as well, they always thanked the audience for supporting their advertisers. That made it actually bearable. Subtext: "Thank you for supporting our advertisers, yeah we are annoyed ourselfs, but hey, pizza pizza is paying for our chearleaders pom poms".

Saturday, October 15, 2011

mi casa es tu casa


"I have been walking to casa loma"
"Yes, it only took me 2 hours to get there"*

*coffee break included

So, no kidding, I love walking instead of taking the streetcar/subway, it's the greatest way to explore a new city. Ok, I didn't really expect it to take two freakin' hours, but well, estimating distance has never been one of my strong points.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Freud is watching

A lot of people ask me how I am doing and I really can't say, but this foto kind of pictures it.
And it looks like the couch is eating me :)

mirror, mirror

Purchase of the day: Hair dryer. You always forget something. But it was only 14,99 $, bargain. And yeah, I am wearing glasses now, trying to get over my insane vanity. And because something with my retina changed over the last five years, at least my optician told me, and thats caused by wearing contacts too often. I don't want to go blind, so glasses make a comeback this year. And yeah, that's my room. The host is an artist and there are a lot of very cool paintings in the house, very colorful, not that I mind :) I have a favourite, I will ask him, if I can blog a picture of it.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Epic is a word I read a lot today, "epic sale", "epic guaranty", so I will show you my
personal choice of epics from today. I am, again, very tired, therefore I will keep it short.
By the way, this is the epic little house I told you about yesterday

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